
Students should know what the teacher will be assessing before they start their assignments.  During one of the projects in social studies the students were given the following checklist and rubrics ahead of time.  The students rarely had questions for me and always knew what to complete.  We went over the whole document as a class and I demonstrated what an A, B and C paper would look like.  The students then handed in the document after they graded themselves  This made students reflect on their own work and to think about what they could do better on in the next project.

Create a Pyramid Project

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When creating a test for students remember to think about Bloom’s Taxonomy.   In order to fully understand if a student understands the objectives of the test, make sure to include different types of questions.  For instance, a student might be able to recall facts easily but cannot apply that fact to the real world.  It is important that students get to the top tiers of the pyramid because it demonstrates the students have a deeper understanding.

Bloom’s Taxonomy Pyramid